2024 Tempo Kenosha Membership

Jennie Tunkieicz
Retired, Kenosha County

Lydia Spottswood
Retired Health Care Professional, Alderman
Attend one of our upcoming events to meet these incredible women!
Interested in becoming a member? Complete the application and send to us at tempokenosha@gmail.com.

Jennie Tunkieicz
Retired, Kenosha County

LaVetta Arrington
Job Title

Lydia Spottswood
Retired Health Care Professional, Alderman
Attend one of our upcoming events to meet these incredible women!
Interested in becoming a member? Complete the application and send to us at tempokenosha@gmail.com.
Tempo Kenosha 2022 Membership
We are a group of diverse, accomplished women in business,
public service, education and the arts who demonstrate
excellence and community leadership.

Anne Wasilevich
Piasecki Funeral Home

Jane Harrington-Heide
Southport Insurance

Jennie Tunkieicz
Retired, Kenosha County

Lydia Spottswood
Retired Health Care Professional, Alderman
Attend one of our upcoming events to meet these incredible women!
Interested in becoming a member? Complete the application and send to us at tempokenosha@gmail.com.